

Make Money With Affiliate Programs

Thursday 24 May 2012

Top 5 SEO Tips To Get Started With An Affiliate Website

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Affiliate websites are easy and affordable to get started, and they can make you a few extra bucks each month to help pay the bills Affiliate websites provide readers with information about a product, and the website owner receives a commission percentage for the referral sale. Competition is high for affiliate websites, but here are some SE0 tips to help you rank in the search engines and get you started with affiliate marketing.
Choose a Secure Reputable Product:
Some affiliate website owners go for any product that returns a high commission. If you choose a product with a bad reputation, you can create a bad reputation for your own site. Choose a product that does not perform or does not hold up to the manufacturer's promises. Avoid the snake oil products that promise the impossible. If you find a product that does not hold up to promises, tell your readers to avoid it and choose a new affiliate product to sell.
Create Content for Readers and Not for Search Engines:
Many affiliate webmasters fall into the poor SE0 trap of creating content with a specific keyword density, cloaking links and other poor content choices. Google has never suggested a specific keyword density for content, and focusing too much on the number of times a phrase is mentioned leads to keyword stuffing. Write content for readers and read the Google quality guidelines to avoid.
Do Not Use Affiliate Links in Every Post:
Google would rather send users directly to the manufacturer and not the affiliate website, so you must offer something of value that the manufacturer does not offer. The affiliate website can offer personal reviews of a product and information that is not provided directly from the manufacturer. Google's algorithm picks up on website quality signals, and creating a new affiliate link for every post can send poor quality signals to the bot. Create content that does not revolve around the affiliate. Instead, provide content for readers that focuses on the product and not affiliate sales. The information can include reviews, in-depth product specifications and your own rating system for the product.
Avoid Spamming Blogs and Forums:
Backlinking is a marketing effort required for any online website, but spam links are devalued and penalized. Not only do the links lose value, but you also anger other site owners. When creating a backlinking campaign, choose one that does not create links using automation software. Network with bloggers and other site owners to help get natural backlinks. Good backlinks will help with long-term ranking goals, but spam backlinks are devalued and eventually your site loses rank due to the devalued spam. Natural links are slowly obtained, so be patient.
Keep Track of Traffic and Ask for Feedback:
What better way to find ideas for new content than asking readers for feedback? Readers can provide feedback in the affiliate website comments section or directly in your email. Ask readers to provide you with feedback on each article you write, so you can identify reader interests and come up with new ideas for new content. Content written specifically for readers can help you keep users coming back to the website. Returning users are a goal that many affiliate website owners forget. Returning users cost nothing, and you don't need to rely on search engines to obtain the traffic. Returning users also provide natural backlinks to the site.
Affiliate websites are a challenge, but once you obtain the traffic and rank in search engines, they are a rewarding venture. Always focus on the readers, and the search engines will reward you accordingly.
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